الجمعة، 18 ديسمبر 2015

HP Elite x2

HP requires dispatched a new tablet mechanism shouted HP Best x2, a tablet mechanism have the suppleness to accomplish levels of productivity similar to the notebooks, alongside the luxury of employing a tablet mechanism is projected ideally matched to work..

The greatest protuberant features of HP Best x2 that comes alongside extra design, is made of CNC aluminum alongside emphasis on aesthetic features. Notify the mechanism thickness 8.1 mm merely 1 as not rising the heaviness to one kilogram, including pregnant adaptable up to 150 degrees, permitting the worker to locale the mechanism in locale to continuation, .creation and screen, or level for screen printing.


هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. good information and also can be use this device to laptop and same the time Tab to remove the screen from keyboard and using tab.
